Friday, March 7, 2014

I SPY (eye) Quilt Almost Done! Dora Rag Quilt is coming along too!

Hi Stampers,

I can't believe that another week has flown by!! Friday is here already!!  Okay…today is devoted to stamping. :)

They eye spy (I) quilt for grand baby boy is almost done!  The Dora rag quilt is for a friend's little girl. It too is coming along nicely.

I have two other to come back from the quilter yet and then it's binding time!  That will make two projects complete since I started quilting (again) from January. :)

Wish me luck!

Please ask any questions that you may have. I have a pinterest account and I have pinned some nice quilting tips and projects over there. Take a peek if you like :)

Have a Tea-rrific weekend!!